2021-12-28, 12:33 PM
(2021-12-28, 10:48 AM)MojaveGeek Wrote: Son, I have one word for you: Plastics! (younger folks probably won't get that reference) Zinger MG, Here's the clip for those impaired by youth:
Seriously, the word is "Diclofenac". It has been a game changer for me. MG, thanks for the Rx tip!
Now back to the topic. Don't mind hijacking the thread - it's my thread anyway MG, had me chuckling on your response. Leslie Gore would respond with a cover of her own tune "It's My Thread, I'll Cry If I Want To." Here's another clip for the youth impaired of this forum. LOL
I am easily distracted. MG, I've got the same diagnosis. In fact, my day long hike exploring "No Name Canyon" happened due to distraction. The day's intent and goal was to return to Trellis Canyon (thanks to Steve Hall for turning me onto this remote canyon) for the third time and to do a photo shoot of what Steve calls "the slip n' slide" a cool fault slip on the west side of the canyon a few miles in. Well, it's quite a slog from Salt Creek (which was closed anyway due to the rain storm and flooding of Dec 14th-15th) just to reach the mouth of Trellis Canyon, let alone explore it So I tried the approach from Devil's Cornfield, about the same distance and slope. On the way, No Name teased me into taking a short side detour and the rest is history. I'll have to give Trellis another try later. Some of my best memories of DEVA are from "distractions."
And its timely as I'm starting to think out options for my next trip out there, maybe up to the Hades Fault area, that looks very interesting, and some great colors up there. MG, this is an excellent idea for an all day hike as you'll capture most the beauty value by turning around at the Hades Fault area. This area alone has at least an hour or two of little side distractions to enjoy and the color is some of the best in DEVA. With a little effort and sideways ridge exploring you'll be rewarded by stunning views down into Hades Canyon and Bad Canyon without the scary scrambling Steve Hall and Michele Digonnet have done.
Life begins in Death Valley