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Canyons near Black Point and other options
Check out Kauri's TRs; she's done them all! From her advice we went up "Black Point Canyon" - the one immediately downhill from Black Point itself. I think that's the one that has the old dump. I wonder if it changed in the flood, though, because IIRC you start hiking at a spot where the road crosses low across the wash of that canyon, and I think I saw a photo of a half buried car there in the carnage? Anyway, that canyon (if it is the one I am thinking of) goes way up, and then there's a fork, and you can continue either branch.

There's another she calls "Cairn Canyon" which is also good but I don't have GPS tracks and my memory is a bit weak to nail it down precisely.

The one Digonnet calls Stretched Pebble has some cool stretched pebbles, but there is a fall which was too much for us. Still worth a visit I think, you can get far enough.

There's some interesting slots that have been explored by one of our members, sorry can't remember who, way further up near Towne Pass (also on the south side of 190).

Have you been up Grotto? It is pretty nice too, and following Kauri's footsteps we enjoyed a trip up the first side canyon. There are clearly visible paths as workarounds from the obstacles. I gather there was a lot of gravel that came down and the road my be trashed. Without a good vehicle you used to be able to get up to the canyon mouth, where there is / was a big drop of a couple of feet.

Little Bridge? Haven't been up there in decadess, but saw some sheep when I did.

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RE: Canyons near Black Point and other options - by MojaveGeek - 2022-10-14, 03:39 PM

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