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Canyons near Black Point and other options
Geek, I certainly have not done all of those canyons, and there are still quite a few more I'd like to do Smile

Anything between Black Point and Mosaic Canyon is probably going to have a lot of dry-fall's.

The canyon at the absolute northernmost tip of Black Point, what I've been calling "Sculptured Canyon," is quite nice if you're willing to do the bypass I've noted in my TRs.

Black Point North is nice, I recall a couple small dry-falls but nothing too challenging, but it was a long time ago that I hiked it.

I didn't think Black Point South was as nice, but others might differ.

Cairn Canyon is good, a little scrambling like Black Point North but nothing major.

The major canyon between Cairn Canyon and Telephone Canyon's Northern Side Canyon I haven't hiked but Steve Hall did, and there's an old car quite a ways up in that canyon (as well as in Black Point North if I recall correctly).

There are a bunch of minor canyons/drainages interspersed between these canyons, that I'm hoping to check out someday. Pretty much the further south you go the less likely you'll encounter dry-fall's, based on the topography of the area.
Link to my DV trip reports, and map of named places in DV (official and unofficial):

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RE: Canyons near Black Point and other options - by Kauri - 2022-10-15, 10:08 AM

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