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More offroad idiots
Two of these where high end SUVs (BMW and Porsche!) and at least one a rental. So maybe blame the SUV commercials Smile But really I don't understand the attraction of driving into a place where you're going to get stuck. But I guess these folks really don't appreciate what their vehicles can and cannot do.

Many years ago I had driving a sedan part way to Ashford Canyon. On the way out, with the last light, I realized I had gotten off the road and was just driving down a wash. Fortunately I managed to get back on the road while I still had some light. So, shit happens, but not deliberately driving off into places where you are not allowed and should not go.

But some shit you just learn with age and experience. Driving out Lemoigne after dark, in a friend's very capable vehicle, we came to a spot near the pavement where the road dips into a wash, but does not come out directly opposite. We followed my instinct, which was to stop and scout on foot up and down stream, before heading off in a random direction. Obviously if we'd had the GPS tracking the drive, this would have been a non-event. It is only a short jog, and was quickly resolved.

Messages In This Thread
More offroad idiots - by MojaveGeek - 2023-12-30, 09:17 AM
RE: More offroad idiots - by Beardilocks - 2023-12-30, 10:57 AM
RE: More offroad idiots - by DAW89446 - 2023-12-30, 06:55 PM
RE: More offroad idiots - by Beardilocks - 2023-12-30, 08:54 PM
RE: More offroad idiots - by MojaveGeek - 2023-12-30, 11:12 AM
RE: More offroad idiots - by Beardilocks - 2023-12-30, 12:33 PM
RE: More offroad idiots - by MojaveGeek - 2023-12-30, 03:59 PM
RE: More offroad idiots - by GowerGulch42 - 2023-12-30, 05:52 PM

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