2024-03-18, 01:01 PM
(2024-03-16, 08:40 PM)MojaveGeek Wrote: My crew mutinied when I tried to get us up there last year. It's pretty rugged. I wanted to run the ridge out to the view but the wall up is a bit imposing. The highpoint on the crest to the north is a worthy class 1+ walkup. Actually a spot that I really like. Did you hit up other places up there? We'll likely go up later in the week. I found a really really sweet viewpoint out past the Tucki Mine (I think that is its name? at the end of that road) last year, very peaceful The views from that side are super!
I hit 5 high points that day, all accessed via Aguereberry road, but the only other worth mentioning is Peak 7204 because it has 1000 ft of prominence and somehow escaped the NPS list of 200. There's one other 1k+ prominence peak (out of 50 inside DV) that also isn't on the NPS list near Pleasant canyon. It was a nice hike, though unremarkable. I had plans for other climbs around Emigrant road but had to bail on those plans temporarily. I'll be letting the new snow melt this week before going back.