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what's everyone doing over the summer, while DV is too damn hot?
I had plans to be in Bend (Oregon) for Overland Expo this weekend and then continue on to Mt. Rainier, but those plans were unfortunately thwarted for multiple reasons. Current summer plans are some trips to the Sierras, location and times still TBD. Until then in my spare time I'll continue to annoy Beardilocks with countless questions about various Toyota repairs while he's on the opposite side of the country busy doing far more major repairs on his Land Cruiser. Odd, but of course in a very good way, to think that many of the folks I keep in touch with regularly I met via this forum or its predecessor.
Link to my DV trip reports, and map of named places in DV (official and unofficial):

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RE: what's everyone doing over the summer, while DV is too damn hot? - by Kauri - 2024-06-28, 09:46 PM

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