2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip
That looks like an awesome trip. Solitude and dark skies for sure. And quiet. Beautiful pix, thanks a lot. I've only done day hikes into the Owlsheads so I've never gotten more than a glimpse of the lake.

That's a reasonable water budget for not too hot season. But certainly a heavy start to the hike! But every time you take a drink, it gets lighter! I've done a couple of trips where I hauled more water than that into a Grand Canyon wild base camp, but nowhere near as many miles as you travelled!

Messages In This Thread
2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip - by Algol - 2025-02-22, 12:29 PM
RE: 2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip - by Brice - 2025-02-22, 02:59 PM
RE: 2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip - by Algol - 2025-02-22, 03:59 PM
RE: 2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip - by Algol - 2025-02-22, 07:58 PM
RE: 2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip - by MojaveGeek - 2025-02-23, 09:50 PM
RE: 2025-02 - Owlshead Mts 4 day trip - by Algol - 2025-02-24, 08:52 AM

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