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Death Valley 2022/23
Just a snap on iPhone but shot with the wide lens, hence the slight distortion. Processed through Lightroom. I was a pro once upon a time but mainly shoot iPhone on hikes these days.
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Yes, as Taco says, the gnarly part possibly requiring short wheel base is at the top of Steele Pass, a few pretty tight turns and one or two significant steps.  So in fact it's not a big deal (though certainly 4WD) coming up to the area from Saline.  But you are far from help.  Well probably someone at the Saline pools would help out if they could.

As for the hike to Ryan BM.    Looks beautiful.  Was on the list for last year - basically to do what you did only in reverse.  But that's a long hike and I was nursing a somewhat injured knee from a fall a few weeks earlier so did not try it.  Hopefully both the BM and the other site make it on the menu for our March trip.  I know someone else who did a route similar to yours, only in reverse.

PSA about going down steep smooth stone, e.g. Zion slickrock or, I imagine, some DV polished canyons.  If the angle is getting too steep and you're worried about sticking to the rock, it is natural to try to crab walk down.  But as I learned the hard way, the seat of my pants has much less friction than my boots.
This is something that I thought I understood but everyone else’s confusion on it makes me mistrust my memory.


I was under the impression that Steele Pass was further south than the difficult constriction with large steps at very north end/entrance to Eureka Valley (aka Dedeckera Canyon)? If memory serves, “Steele Pass” is a tight/rough section near the literal Marble Bath installation?
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Sorry ... you are correct. Dedeckera Canyon is the entrance coming from the Eureka Valley Dunes that involves a few large steps, while Steele Pass is that junction where the Marble Bath(tub) is. Dedeckera is where I threw it into 4x4 as I was going uphill, but once that obstacle was passed did the rest from that point to the Land of the Lizard People (Saline Valley hot springs) in 2wd.

There was a traffic jam at Steele Pass as there were 6 or 7 vehicles sightseeing at Marble Bath, but otherwise nothing to notice with regards to challenging road conditions.

More specifically, between Dedeckera and Steele Pass was typical high desert BLM single track road. From Steele Pass to the hot springs was downhill with a fair amount of rocks that slowed things down, but wasn't technical whatsoever.

YMMV, depending on weather and driving capabilities / comfort level.
Word right now is that section btw Dedeckera and Steele (you know, the part that’s technically closed on the current DV road conditions map) is in rough shape. The flooding this past summer essentially disappeared the road. Many have driven through since along… whatever path they saw fit. Creating exactly what NPS didn’t want there: braided trails. Not all of which go where the road should.

I guess I’ll see what it’s like eventually. When it warms up a bit. And the rock slides stop & get cleared in South Pass. Lol.
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When on two track dirt, I always keep my rig in 4x4. Keeps things lubed and limber. I’ve done Steel Pass several times. Nice, fun road with plenty of scenery.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
So this post is a bit delicate.  I managed to track down a geoglyph/rock alignment in the Greenwater Valley area from an old photo.  It’s beyond cool and pretty damn vulnerable.  So apologies for the heavily cropped pics.  I contacted the park archeologist and she asked for its coordinates.  I’m waiting to hear more information from her on it.  Hopefully.  

[Image: img_4583.jpg]

[Image: img_4581.jpg]

[Image: img_4577.jpg]

[Image: img_4582.jpg]

Cool point/scraper at the site.  
[Image: img_4578.jpg]

I was really stoked to find this.  Unfortunately the mini-playa was extremely wet and I had to modify the old maxim of “take only pictures leave only footprints” to “heavily crop all photos and don’t leave footprints in the archeological site”.  Gotta tweak rules on the fly sometimes.  

I hope to get back to it after it dries out to try to map it.  As it was, I don’t think I got a very good feel for the design.  Felt like I was looking at a completely different shape from every side.
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With such things a drone would be nice to get a higher perspective.

Nice to see that the artifact survived the Greenwater rush during the first decade of the 20th century.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
Current plan is duct-taping several hiking poles together with a camera on the end. It’s that or launching myself over it with a trebuchet.
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Wow… now THAT'S a profoundly cool site!
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