DV Dazed... No military flying the day after Thanksgiving. I knew from past experience that they take off for the long turkey day weekend.

In fact, I may have only heard one or two planes of any kind all day!
I don't usually get around to posting many pics from my outings. I do post some on Facebook, but usually only if I have cell service at the time. So if you (or others here) are on FB, message me and we can get connected.
I did post to FB from the top of Panamint Butte, this time and last time I climbed it. In fact last time, I was able to post from the ridge above Big Four Mine. There's an AT&T signal coming from somewhere to the west, possibly from above Cerro Gordo?
So far, I haven't figured out how to add pics on peakbagger.com!
Wow, NPS has closed the road all the way down near the Dunes parking area? Actually, when I climbed the Butte from that side, I parked and hiked from the Dunes parking. It provided an extra warm-up before starting up the crazy steep stuff. Also, having driven partway up that road before, I decided I'd rather park on flat ground!
Yeah, the plateau back there is cool. But indeed it was a long enough hike for one day without any additional exploring. I had planned to also visit the high point just south of the summit, for the improved view of the Panamint Valley. However, it was rather cold and windy up there, so I skipped it. As it was, I walked the last 4.5 miles or so down the canyon by headlamp.
Kauri...yeah, two years ago, I got tired of putting the Heep in the shop, and traded it in on the 4Runner.
(2020-12-01, 01:36 PM)GowerGulch42 Wrote: [ -> ]Fantastic, well done! That whole plateau area up there is something I've wanted to visit for years. How'd you like the North Fork of Lemoigne? There used to be a road to Cottonwood through there.
Thanks! The hike up the canyon was pretty easy, and quite enjoyable.
No sign of any road or trail in the canyon, just some faint older footprints. But on my way up, just as I was getting out into the open, I looked to my right and saw this. I wondered if it is the old road route? See pic below:
PB270037 by
Candace66, on Flickr