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Proposed rate changes for campgrounds and backcountry permits
I have frequently made voice calls in Furnace but struggled to get txts out. Some would go and some wouldn't. We used to joke that the FC Ranch had cell blockers up so that you would have to buy their expensive WIFI.

(2023-09-27, 02:44 PM)Brice Wrote: I didn't realize roadside camping along Greenwater required a permit.  There are no indications. I've apparently violated that rule a bunch of times.  Charging for camping along the entire length of greenwater seems excessive.  All the activity is in the first mile off of dante's view road, and to a lesser extent jubilee pass road.  Making some designated campsites (and charging for them) seems reasonable in those specific areas. People aren't great at following the "camp in previously disturbed areas" rule.

AFAIK they added Greenwater Rd to the list of other just recently and didn't announce it. It was NOT on the permit list last season when we were there. A ranger I had spoken to mentioned it was something they were looking at for the future. I'm extremely displeased about it, but what can you do.

Also AFAIK they have released no maps of what parts of Greenwater Valley are permitted and what's off limits etc. I have looked and not been able to find anything.
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RE: Proposed rate changes for campgrounds and backcountry permits - by Beardilocks - 2023-09-28, 07:49 AM

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