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what's everyone doing over the summer, while DV is too damn hot?
I'm stuck out east for the time being.  Replacing the transmission on my truck along with other maintenance.  Not due to catastrophic failure but due to stumbling onto a brand new upgraded model with better gearing that I couldn't pass up at the price.  We always hurt ourselves don't we?  Lol. 

Otherwise I'm slowly losing my marbles being stuck in the tightly packed east and trying to plan my escape in the fall.  Destination likely include Wind River Range, most of UT (Cathedral Valley, Maze, Needles, the Swell, Dark Canyon, Davis Gulch on HinR Rd), maybe AZ Strip if I can locate enough targets (anyone have any leads on Esplanade Polychrome sites?). 

And I'm sure eventually back to DV, although I'm a bit at a loss for what I'm chasing this time around.

I just finished reading "These Canyons are Full of Ghosts".  Great read especially if you love Butte Valley. 

Currently attempting to research the 1834 Stones in DV.  Anyone know anything about them? 

And finally, still trying to update my blog for the last few months between DV and getting back east.  I still have several trips to get up, but if you're interested in travels in the greater SW check it out:
Check out my travel blog:

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RE: what's everyone doing over the summer, while DV is too damn hot? - by Beardilocks - 2024-06-29, 09:51 AM

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