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Dehydrated Hiker Rescued From Panamint Butte + Other Calls for Help
Thanks for sharing that post. I feel like many of these bad experiences seem to involve trying to exit a hike/adventure via an unscouted route, versus the one traveled in on. I know I've done the same more than once, but so far have been lucky ...

One thing I can't wrap my head around is all the people we've been reading about putting themselves into dire straits by doing these hikes in July & August. As someone born and raised in the desert it goes against so much I consider to be common sense. It also doesn't hurt that forever in the back of my mind is the memory of the two horrible times I caught heatstroke as a youth.

Hope everyone is staying frosty out there.

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RE: Dehydrated Hiker Rescued From Panamint Butte + Other Calls for Help - by TacoLand - 2024-08-20, 11:24 AM

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