8 hours ago
Wow what an ordeal on several fronts, DVD. I'm sure we've all parked along the paved roads and gone out hiking for the full day many times. This is the first I've heard of theft like that, but we always have a rule of thumb to never leave any thing valuable visible in the car. Of course it is easier to do that if you have a lowly sedan with a trunk. I'm guessing from your description that you had all your gear in the Jeep because you were camping out of it. I assume this happened during daylight hours, from your description?
Did you call park dispatch or 911? I wonder if we'd be better off, in this situation, getting CA highway patrol as a responder - 190 is a state road after all. I have used 911 within the park, but it does not go directly to park dispatch.
As for Digonnet, I have felt that we might be kindered spirits - my day job was at MIT, his at Stanford - and we've both done a lot of time in DEVA, though he of course way way more than I. And now you tell me we are even similar ages
I was pretty well immersed in DEVA and the Mojave in general when his book came out. I was simultaneously in shock - here was someone publishing info which would bring "crowds" to places I had discovered on my own, and appreciated the minimal signs of visitation - but also in awe of how much new places he opened my eyes to.
Of course I have also learned a ton more from folks here on this forum, in its various incarnations. I suspect you have too. We do have to remember though that anything posted here becomes viewable, and probably searchable, by the whole world. A good aspect of this sort of "location centered social media" is that with a relatively small community, we have a certain ability to sense the abilities and sensibilities of others and thereby calibrate our own abilities and willingness to, e.g. take an exposed route, with each other. Much of the best advice comes behind the scenes, but the public forum is how we make contacts. And, for those of use who live some distance away, a chance to keep in touch with what's happening in the area.
I think I'm getting off topic
Did you call park dispatch or 911? I wonder if we'd be better off, in this situation, getting CA highway patrol as a responder - 190 is a state road after all. I have used 911 within the park, but it does not go directly to park dispatch.
As for Digonnet, I have felt that we might be kindered spirits - my day job was at MIT, his at Stanford - and we've both done a lot of time in DEVA, though he of course way way more than I. And now you tell me we are even similar ages
I was pretty well immersed in DEVA and the Mojave in general when his book came out. I was simultaneously in shock - here was someone publishing info which would bring "crowds" to places I had discovered on my own, and appreciated the minimal signs of visitation - but also in awe of how much new places he opened my eyes to.
Of course I have also learned a ton more from folks here on this forum, in its various incarnations. I suspect you have too. We do have to remember though that anything posted here becomes viewable, and probably searchable, by the whole world. A good aspect of this sort of "location centered social media" is that with a relatively small community, we have a certain ability to sense the abilities and sensibilities of others and thereby calibrate our own abilities and willingness to, e.g. take an exposed route, with each other. Much of the best advice comes behind the scenes, but the public forum is how we make contacts. And, for those of use who live some distance away, a chance to keep in touch with what's happening in the area.
I think I'm getting off topic