Hey, I may have turned you on to the Blue Mountain but you are the one who aced it! And I found the Blue Mountain only because Kauri had explored and shared Borax BM. It is exactly that aspect of this forum that I have enjoyed the most. I may have started before you, but I too have gotten a lot of good from our long history.
The Red Amphitheater was a fun find because I had been in the area and not seen much red but it seemed strange to have the USGS maps label a non-existent feature. So I spent a lot of time looking at pixels in the satellite images to find some red - which is a bit hard since it's mostly on vertical walls. But I known you were going to the area I would have insisted you get in there!
I am glad you enjoy the panos. As I age, I realize the most precious thing I can create is memories, and the photos are just a way of reminding me of the real high resolution real life experience. Until I retired I had 5 monitors side by side, so I could display some of those panos in about 13K horizontal pixels all along one wall. Whenever I was having a tough day at work, I'd just sit in front of those for a while and chill.
You get out into some wild and uncharted places. You make good expeditions to fun spots that are not necessarily major landmarks or peaks. That is a great way to get solitude. Though Sentinel, as I said, that's one tough peak to bag

You'll like Porter, it's so much easier!