DEVA Double Vision - Cross Eyed Geography
One reason I love Death Valley so much is the variety and creativity of names attached to locations. However some names are not so fortunate and in fact are duplicated at different spots around the park. I recall there being two "Benchmarks" with the same name but I can't find them now? Maybe you can add to this list but here's the best I can do for DEVA doppelgangers currently.

Marble Canyon - Cottonwood Range and Saline Range

Grapevine Canyon -  Grapevine Range and Saline Range 

Mesquite Spring - Off Scotty Castle Highway and nine miles up Warm Spring Canyon on the south side

Willow Spring - Emigrant Canyon and Gold Valley and also just outside park boundary in next canyon north of Phinney Canyon
Life begins in Death Valley
There's at least a half dozen "Willow Springs" in and around DV. There's only so many names that Europeans can come up with!
Check me out on YouTube @ BetterGeology!

And my out-of-date website
There's also a Willow Spring just a bit north of Daylight Pass. I'm sure there are lots of them!

Apparently BM names are not unique. Surprised me. But each BM does have a unique ID, which consists of 2 letters and 4 numbers and is supposed to be unique.

I would guess that any location which is named after a natural feature nearby could easily be used repeated in a given bioeme?

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