Kudos To Netllama once again
I'm shouting praise of our beloved forum admin, Netllama again because of how seamlessly and user friendly posting my video trips has now become. I don't know how to code so it's magical to me how this software allows real time links to many social network platforms, with thumbnail previews, helpful click options, saving drafts, editing, correcting my own blunders and saving me heaps of time. This great tech stuff is now the glue that holds our little community together and makes discussing Death Valley a joy rather than a chore. So thanks again Netllama for performing the work behind the scenes that is so easy to take for granted! 

I know YouTube has some issues but from my POV the service is fantastic and keep improving almost daily and allows my passion for video posting to go off without a hitch.
Life begins in Death Valley
Thanks for everything that you contribute here!

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