Trellis Trilogy - Third Time's The Charm
My third exploration of Trellis Canyon March 5, 2022 a fourteen mile round trip hike discovers a huge recent rockfall blocking Trellis Canyon a quarter mile below the slickenslde and turn around point of the hike. Some lovely storm scenes of the Salt Creek Hills as the sun sets. As remote as Trellis Canyon is there were fresh human bootprints visible on the approach and inside the canyon.

For a comparison here's my first excursion from February 2015  from the Salt Creek trail heading across the huge Tucki Mountain alluvial fan up Trellis Canyon to see colorful geology and a well preserved big horn ram skull and horns.

And then five years later which was two years ago was an exploration up the major side canyon of Trellis to a spectacular overlook of the Cottonball Basin. This has more details about the hike to and from Salt Creek including a stop at the lava tubes concluding with a full moon over Salt Creek. This fifteen miler was a real ass kicker but well worth the effort.

So far these three excursions cover about forty miles of territory between Salt Creek and Tucki Mountain. I'm planning a fourth hike to explore the "round room" dead end of Trellis Canyon hoping to discover a bypass up and out of the room. This may be the ultimate and final ass kicker hike of the area? Rock on!
Life begins in Death Valley

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