Funny Irony About DEVA At Reddit
While checking out new posts over at r/DeathValleyNP I realized that sorting the threads options was truly representative of the current weather in the park. Here's a screen shot with my points circled in read.  Smile
Life begins in Death Valley
Ha. Is that a FB group? No, I have no interest in a FB group about DEVA, I can well guess what the traffic is like Smile
(2022-07-25, 05:26 AM)MojaveGeek Wrote: Ha. Is that a FB group? No, I have no interest in a FB group about DEVA, I can well guess what the traffic is like Smile

Nah, its reddit.
I used to keep an eye on that sub-reddit. It seems that a few years ago there were a lot more legit questions about where to camp and what roads were safe for what cars etc. It has turned more photo-centric lately.
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Beardilocks, the points you bring up are the reasons I enjoy checking in on the reddit community of DeathValleyNP to learn how others from around the world experience DEVA. Here's an example of contrast between our very own netllama and myself in reaction to some "light painting" images posted on reddit. I enjoy color filtered and light painted images while netllama commented that one image was over tweaked with photo apps and was too busy/cluttered for his tastes. I certainly can see the image through netllama's eyes and appreciate his personal preferences and perspectives regarding photography. Netllama's travel photos on Instagram are really fun to keep track of.

Oh, this reminds me that I've forgotten to check DEVA's Facebook page for a while. BTW. DEVA has a twitter account that has been running a fun photo/information gallery running through items based in alphabetical order. They also ran a fun one on micro vs macro recently.
Life begins in Death Valley
I do follow the DV NPS FB page and DV Road Closure page. I have to live vicariously when I'm stuck on the wrong coast. Lol.

I also really enjoy the Explorers of the Mojave page as well. Lots of interesting Mojave/DV history being presented there as well as modern stuff.
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