Video - Original Stovepipe Well
Two separate trips to the Original Stovepipe Well make up this 6:03 video of mine back in the days when you could drive there. The first video was taken in January, 2000; the second in April the following year. The B2 stealth bomber and a chase plane make a cameo in the first part. The second taken on a blustery, sand blasting spring day. The original Rhyolite-Skidoo auto road is also featured.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
Thank you, I enjoyed your video. I like approaching the Mesquite Dunes from this parking lot better than the more public one, as it doesn't have crowds.

I also got a kick out of the B-2 going overhead. In 2016, when my sister and I got lost north of Fall Canyon, forgot our tent poles, and slept on the ground wherever it was we were, a B-2 went over us in the morning. It felt funny seeing it, since my last base before retiring had been the one in Missouri that the planes flew out of.

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