Chad - Death Valley - Combo Trip Report Featuring Netllama
Netllama, spotted by a DV-Net forum moderator, checking in at Furnace Creek Visitors Center with his freight truck loaded with state of art sleeping bags, tents, and various sundries from home including his kitchen sink. The desk ranger suggested that this endeavor to drive out to The Racetrack Playa was ill advised, even if MojaveGeek had suggested otherwise.

Netllama getting lost on his way to The Racetrack Playa and taking the wrong turn. Too bad Kauri was not nearby in her 4-Runner to save the day.

After a treacherous drive over Hunter Mountain, into the Saline Valley and up Lippincott Road, netllama captures a scenic view of The Racetrack's Grandstand with a new background rock formation from Chad that he had hidden in his freight truck. Onlookers wonder if the new Chad formation will "sail" across the playa during the next winter ice-rain storm?

Netllama cemented his Death Valley National Park fame by discovering two new rock formations on his round about return from the playa. His name for the location "Prospector Elephants" was endorsed by The National Park Service - Safari Division.

After a severe earthquake and flash flood added four more arches to the already famous Natural Bridge, netllama was the first park visitor to photograph the new spectacle.

A freak summer snow storm nearly froze netllama's camel caravan in its tracks while they harvested salt blocks from the Badwater area to sell at nearby Las Vegas, Nevada. And thus concludes another wild trip report from our beloved forum administrator, tech geek, and world class traveler, netllama who is rumored to have nearly lost his sense of humor while recently driving 3K kilometers in the desert of Chad.
Life begins in Death Valley
wow. your photoshop skills are impressive.
Great ones!

David Bricker / SYR
DV Rat.  Live upstate NY, play Death Valley, retiring to Hawaii. '95 Cherokee, barely.
Definitely impressive Photoshop skills, Dazed!
Though given that it appears Netllama's tour group was driving Land Cruisers, I think the capabilities of those vehicles would almost certainly surpass my 4Runner in it's current almost-stock setup. Smile
Link to my DV trip reports, and map of named places in DV (official and unofficial):

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