Video - Trip 2001: Northern Nevada, Southeastern Oregon, Southwestern Idaho
This is video I took on a multiple day/night trip with author/publisher Alan Patera, friends Graham and Gill, exploring ghost towns and scenery of Nevada, Oregon and Idaho. Each of us took our respective vehicles.

Alan is still writing and publishing. Graham died of cancer in 2017. Gill was in his early 70s during this trip, I have lost touch with him and am not aware of his present status.

This trip is broken up into 10 videos, totaling over three hours. It begins with my preparations in the days leading up to the trip at my home in Ridgecrest, leaving my other home in Big Pine; as well as returning to Big Pine then Ridgecrest.

Sites visited were:

* Stillwater, NV
* White Cloud City, NV
* Unionville, NV
* Midas, NV
* Paradise Valley, NV
* Spring City, NV
* Buckskin, NV
* National, NV
*Silver City, ID
* Rio Tinto, NV
* Patsville, NV
* Aura, NV
* Cornucopia, NV
* Edgemont, NV
* Tuscaurora, NV
* Dinner Station, NV
* Old downtown Wells, NV
* Jarbidge, NV

Links to the 10 parts below. Parts 2-9 have a photo slide show at the end.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.

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