How many movies/shows filmed in DEVA?
Spoiler Alert: Try to guess first before scrolling down.

BTW - In 2012 during a DEVA visit I witnessed some of the production crews, catering and law enforcement supervision for the movie "Scenic Route" while be stopped by patrol cars about a half mile south of the Keane Wonder Mine Road junction on the Beatty Cutoff Road. Amazing how much staff and equipment it takes to film a few scenes. Many scenes were shot on this highway location during my week long visit in the park. It actually became a bit of nuisance during my visit due to delays in traffic during the shoots. 

Here's the link to the 193 titles and details of films/shows created in DEVA by IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base). Imdb of DEVA

I enjoyed watching the movie after release and identifying the backgrounds in the scenes shot in the park. See if you can orient yourself to the scenes available here: Scenic Route
Life begins in Death Valley
We were delayed one evening years ago on the Beatty Cut Off Road by a movie shoot.  I can't begin to remember the year, but we may have waited together.

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