Death Valley Junction Cemetery - Beckett Marker
While driving towards Death Valley Junction from Shoshone I happened upon the Death Valley Junction Cemetery by sheer luck as I had no idea there was even such a location. This sent me down a short history search for one particular marker which turned out to be the mother of the dancer-performer, Marta Becket. 

Today, while composing this video I spoke with two staffers of the Amargosa Opera House And Hotel who graciously filled in details and answered my questions. Brief summary: Marta grew up as an only child named Martha Beckett but she changed that to Marta Becket as her career advanced. Marta's parents split up when she was late teen or young adult and her father was not supportive of her at first but eventually contributed to the Opera House as Marta's presence became established. Marta's mother, Helen followed her only daughter from New York to the desert and assisted with operations and the performances and died and was buried in the cemetery. Marta's husband was not faithful and she bore no children. 

Marta and a local man, Tom Wilgate became a pair and he preceded her in death by several years. Not being aware of this story when I was snapping images of the markers, I missed obtaining a decent shot of his marker. Per Marta's wishes, the staff and friends dispersed her ashes over the desert area because she wanted to mix with the desert sand as by whirlwind. 

I had no idea how touching and warm my chance stop over at the cemetery would unfold into this tribute to Marta, her mother, and other pioneers through past eras who hopefully are truly resting at peace as grains desert sand. The soundtrack is what Marta played in the Opera House as a prelude and postlude to her performances. 
Life begins in Death Valley
That's a lovely bit of history. thanks for sharing

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