More rain?
There was quite a bit of rain in LV yesterday, as in a couple of inches, Mt. Charleston closed down....  I don't know if any of it fell further west in the DV area though.
I know Pahrump flooded badly and 160 was shut down. No news about the park.
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Wow that's rather a mess, but looks more like flow over than undermining the pavement (one hopes). I heard that a ski lift in Lee Canyon got trashed.
All eyes up north on Burning Man currently ... oy vey.
(2023-09-02, 11:41 AM)TacoLand Wrote: All eyes up north on Burning Man currently ... oy vey.

Oops, if that playa gets wet, it is going to be a very sad scene there.

Breezed through Reno Sunday night to catch our flight home. I was amused to see some ads in the airport for casinos seeming to cater to the Burning Man crowd. Seems a bit of an oxymoron Smile But the airport art exhibit was all Burner stuff, so entertaining.

Oh, update, checked the news, they are indeed a sodden mess out there.
Food & water running low and no one can escape burning man apparently.  Yikes.

127 got taken out again. Caltrans video here:

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Oh, it's escapable, you just have to hoof it out across the mud playa and catch a ride out at the highway back to Reno. Last year was BAD, yet somehow this year was worse?

Poor 127 (and Caltrans) .... that video is rough. Time to make all the roads down south elevated? (Said mostly tongue in cheek)
Videos of Pahrump & 127 after this second storm big storm in that area have me more than a little worried about the park.

The only recon from "inside" the park I've seen is the Saline Valley Spring mega enthusiasts have already done a few low flyovers there and it looks pretty bad.
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Taco, what was the deal with BM last year? I don't recall anything. (Never been but friends go so I follow)

Uh, that Caltrans video, whoa! You're right, I'm guessing there is a whole lot of hurt in the part and it's going to take quite a while to open up as they will be pretty cautious. I imagine Caltrans will get 190 fixed fast enough, and the sand / mud can be graded off the paved roads, but any damage, the park is generally pretty slow to fix. (they probably have to put it out to bid, etc)

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