Gah its almost thanksgiving and we have no idea what to do.
You don't want to camp in north central and northeastern Nevada. Got an inch of snow this morning. The current temperature is 38° with a brisk breeze blowing. Forecast highs through the entire weekend is in the 30s with lows in the low teens. The storm is pushing southward. The mountaintop Wildfire Alert web cameras near Goldfield, Silver Peak and Mina are now showing snowfall, whereas this morning were showing sunny conditions.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
We ended up spending time in the forest in the Santa Cruz mountains looking for mushrooms, slime molds, salamanders and magical things.
Sounds pretty nice to me!
Check me out on YouTube @ BetterGeology!

And my out-of-date website
Did you find any Dog Vomit (slime mold, that is)?
(2023-11-28, 06:26 AM)MojaveGeek Wrote: Did you find any Dog Vomit (slime mold, that is)?

Not this time but did find wolf's milk

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