Three Dark Sky Party Weekends - Competing?
I've really enjoyed the star gazing evenings hosted by the NPS Rangers at Harmony Borax and the Visitors Center. Also the expanded solar programs by The Las Vegas Astronomical Society. Also some Mars Week events with NASA scientists speaking. 

Maybe I'm late to the Star Gazing party scene and until now have not heard of The Eastern Sierra Observatory. I hope that my concern or worry that DVNP may eventually be over fun with commercial events are not founded. The star gazing parties by NPS are no fee events but it appears that other parties are becoming commercial. 

I'm sure open to opinions on these matters and don't pretend to have any "expert" testimony or data on this topic. I admire these organizations who devote heaps of time and money to their science and passion and willingness to share with novices like me. Their equipment and sophistication blows me away. By the way, I was thinking that The Great Orion Festival was at Panamint Springs Resort, but I am mistaken. It's just west of the DVNP boundary on Indian Ranch Road, north of Ballarat.

NPS - Death Valley National Park - Official Listing - Dark Sky 2024 March 1-3, 2024
assisted by The Las Vegas Astronomical Society

Eastern Sierra Observatory Great Orion Dark Sky Festival - March 7-10 north of Ballarat

Eastern Sierra Observatory Star Camp - (just west of DVNP on Indian Ranch Road) Feb 9 - March 20,2024
Life begins in Death Valley
Indian Ranch is private property and I'm not sure how what they do there would influence activities in the park? At those prices, someone is trying to make some money, of course. It is a bit hard to say that's a bad thing. I just hope the park keeps doing without being influenced, but if people don't come then of course they have reason to discontinue the star gazing program. But I think it has a much longer history? I never heard of the Indian Ranch events. They better put on a good show for those prices!
I wouldn't think that Panamint Valley at Ballarat or Indian Ranch would be the optimum spot for stargazing. One is too close to the western base of the Panamint Range, which blocks a substantial percentage of the eastern sky. The middle of the valley, along the old Nadeau road, or where the Panamint Valley Days encampment (is it still an annual event?) was held would be better. And there is a substantial amount of light pollution in Panamint Valley - Las Vegas, Bakersfield/other large Central Valley cities, some Inland Empire/Victor Valley, Palmdale/Lancaster light. Bonnie Clair has been often utilized for stargazing events.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.

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