How I met MojaveGeek in person..........
I've never traveled with them, but have met them. We've been corresponding regularly for about a decade now. And they always send me an InReach message each evening while traveling with the coordinates of where they are camping. And he occasionally mentions me in his blog under my old website handle, "Sagebrush Reconnoiterer."
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
(2025-03-26, 08:02 PM)DAW89446 Wrote: And he occasionally mentions me in his blog under my old website handle, "Sagebrush Reconnoiterer."

Ah, so that's you Smile

Well here at SPW the high was down to 96 today, how pleasant Smile We were up in a high place on the west side of Greenwater Valley, with nice views down Copper Canyon and out over the Valley. A tad hazy. A lot of dust blowing in the valley when we got down. Stopped at Dante's on the way out. The view is so awesome but I'm a bit allergic to crowds and prefer to be there at the crack of dawn.

Well we had solitude in Greenwater. Love that area. I'll entertain all with some nice pix and narration once this trip is over, butt my evening online time is mostly dedicated to researching the next day's hike.

Breakthrough today in that it's the first day I can bend my knees at the end of the hiking day Smile

Sorry to hijack your comment, DAW Smile
I think we both hijacked DUG's thread ...  Cool Well, not really. After all, you are the subject of it ...  Wink
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.

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