Burrowing Owl Crashes Party At Stove Pipe Wells
In case you missed this DVNHA heart warming story about an "unwise" owl hitting a window click here for the happy ending. Who who who would have known?

Life begins in Death Valley
I love rescue releases Smile
Must have watched the Angry Birds movie …

I’ve got burrowing owls up here. Fun to watch them standing by their burrows, usually in mid afternoon. During the time they’re raising their young, the entire family is standing by the burrow. There’s a few places where there are multiple burrows tightly packed together, so you have a burrowing owl city standing about soaking up the sun.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
(2022-01-27, 07:12 PM)DAW89446 Wrote: There’s a few places where there are multiple burrows tightly packed together, so you have a burrowing owl city standing about soaking up the sun.
David, if by chance you have any photos of your burrowing owls I'd love to see them. I've never seen them anywhere. In our area we a great horned owl who occasionally roosts on top of our home and sings us to sleep with that lovely "who who who tune." It's totally delightful.
Life begins in Death Valley
I’ve got photos, but only those taken with my cell phone. The digital zoom doesn’t make for good images, worthy of posting here. They are along the roadways and don’t seem to mind traffic, but if you stop to take a photo, they tend to immediately drop back in their holes. I’ll have to try again with my regular digital camera, which has a 16x optical zoom, when the weather warms back up this spring and they are more often seen during the day.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
I have seen only one burrowing owl. This one was in Chino Hills State Park on 12/1/2001.

[Image: MVC-240F1.jpg]
(2022-01-28, 08:52 AM)trailhound Wrote: I have seen only one burrowing owl. 
Here's a wonderful video of a pair of burrowing owls. If you don't want to watch of five minutes of action at least fast forward to the end to see some fantastic stills of our wise little friends. Love your photo of the owl.

Life begins in Death Valley
I've never seen one in DV. I guess there is some fairly stable zone in the dunes where they nest, given that one was at SPW. Would be fun to find them, because they are at least partially diurnal, so you might catch one up and about. If you don't know this, it is very cool: Owls make almost no wingbeat sounds as they fly.

Once I was camping in a riparian area in the Snake Range, NV. I"d walked away from the foliage out up a bit of a bare slope, and was just standing there (OK, I was taking a leak). A large leaf came drifting down near me; I could not see much of it as it was near dark. I turned my light on and it was a small owl. Totally silent. It just looked at me.

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