Then & Now
Various images I've cobbled together containing historical images alongside with those I took at the approximate spot.

Kunze (original Greenwater).

Ramsey townsite of Greenwater.

Skidoo townsite.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
Wow! I love these! The historical images alone are great. The now versions are incredible. The last one looks like it took some work.

Let’s keep this idea going.

Unfortunately all I have at the moment are sensitive before & after shots I can’t share. Lol. I’ll start looking for new (old) shots to reproduce. I love the idea.
Check out my travel blog:
Neat! Thanks for sharing. Seems like a fun thing to do also.
Nice work... still can't believe Greenwater was the site of so much speculation.
I appreciate you skill with these side by side images. The Skidoo Townsite one will come in handy during my next trip to DEVA where i hope to hike along the old pipeline that fed the stamp mill.
Life begins in Death Valley
Very nice DAW!
Super combos, DAW! Very impressive. Thanks!
Thank you all.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
(2023-01-24, 12:33 PM)DeathValleyDazed Wrote: ...where i hope to hike along the old pipeline that fed the stamp mill.

I have followed the pipeline north from Harrisburg a fair ways. There is no pipe - I know of a few sections but the are further south. You see a bunch of clamp / joint rusted hardware, and a few stone pilings to level the pipe over depressions, fairly easy walking in the stretch I followed. In the townsite, did the pipeline go all the way over to the stamp mill?
(2023-01-24, 07:38 PM)MojaveGeek Wrote: In the townsite, did the pipeline go all the way over to the stamp mill?

I believe so. I’d have to check my resources to confirm. It seems that the mill had been shut down due to the pipeline freezing in its initial winter of operation. I believe I’ve seen a historic photo of water spraying from the mill across the canyon that it sits in. The primary focus for the water was the mill, the town’s needs were secondary.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.

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