"Get out of your car and walk." - Tribute to Michel Digonnet
I remain astounded at the prolific trip reports, hiking guides, blogs, and websites of several lovers of Death Valley National Park all of who have enhanced my limited exposure to its wonders since 2013. At the top of my list is Michel Digonnet with his book, "Hiking Death Valley" followed by Steven Hall's "PanamintCity.com." 

Some of this may be a review for Digonnet fans but for those wanting to learn more about him these links provide some perspective into his expansive life. For example he is employing his expertise in photonics—the science of light by serving as "Technical Program Co-Chair" of the June 2021 International Conference On Optical Fiber Sensors. Here's his photo and bio. 

And some more about him from a wilderness community perspective.

And finally, a good overall writeup and description of him with an emphasis on his Death Valley adventures. 

The mileage between Stanford University and Death Valley is about 480 miles. I don't know if Digonnet drove or flew to DEVA on his weekend jaunts but he certainly made numerous trips in order to cover the ground he writes about in his book. In summary, Digonnet is certainly someone I'd love to meet up with some day on the trail or over a beer. 

Have any of you actually met Digonnet? 

Life begins in Death Valley
Have any of you actually met Digonnet? 

Not in person, but exchanged email, and got him to send a signed copy of his second book.
Likewise, I have never met Mr. Diggonet either. We did exchange emails long ago on the approach to Nevares Peak.

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