What Is This And Where Is This?
The location is about ten yards due east from the coy pond at China Garden, the little oasis between Panamint Springs Resort and Darwin, CA off of the old toll road a mile or so. I believe it's also the head waters of Darwin Falls.

The galvanized sheet metal is about 4-6 feet in diameter and it appears to be the bottom or top of a cylinder shaped tank. I did not see a top or sides to this piece and it's strange how it's partially anchored in the ground perpendicular. The mix of round and square holes is a puzzle.

China Garden Spring, Inyo County.
China Garden Spring is within Darwin Canyon about one mile south of the community of Darwin Falls. Water from the spring was used by Chinese to grow vegetables in the late 1880's. At that time, there were three structures next to the spring that were used by the Chinese. By 1987, only one structure remained. Reference: Nash Collection; United States Geological Survey 1987.

China Gardens Spring, Inyo County.
China Gardens Spring emerges from an alluvial fan located in the China Lake Naval Weapons Center area. The water was used by Chinese to grow vegetables that were sold in nearby mining towns. See China Gardens Wash, Inyo County. Reference: United States Board on Geographic Names 1985: 2; United States Geological Survey 1982.

China Gardens Wash has water flowing down it for about three miles where it joins Darwin Wash. China Gardens Spring is the water source. See China Gardens Spring, Inyo County. Reference: United States Geological Survey 1982.
Life begins in Death Valley
Two photos for you. First is macro view followed by a closeup clue. Another hint, this is in the general area of Furnace Creek.
Life begins in Death Valley
It is a fire door manufactured by the California Fire Door Co. circa 1934. Clearly somewhere within the FC Inn Smile
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(2022-01-20, 02:22 PM)GowerGulch42 Wrote: Clearly somewhere within the FC Inn Smile
Bingo,  in the stairwell just north of and below a floor of the main desk of The Inn At Death Valley.
The current official name of the inn is "The Inn At Death Valley" but has gone by The Inn At Furnace Creek and The Furnace Creek Inn. Any way, it's a classy place but I don't go to DEVA to stay in classy places because the best classy place is out in nature.  Smile
Life begins in Death Valley
That was a good one. I've never been inside the Inn. Not quite my grubby desert style Smile
Never have been inside the Inn either. Knew that I couldn’t afford it, so haven’t opened the door. I’ve always camped in the backcountry in the back of my truck.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
(2022-01-22, 07:58 PM)DAW89446 Wrote: Never have been inside the Inn either. 
Oh, I'm never going to spring for a room at The Inn At Death Valley either, but I highly recommend walking around the facility and the grounds because they're well maintained and gorgeous inside and out. They used to give tours which I never was lucky enough to join but now they no longer offer them. If you go, walk around all three level and the tunnel connecting the parking lot to the elevator. 

The way that they have managed water from the natural springs into waterfalls and streams around the palm trees, and ponds is just lovely. When the old laundry building burned down about five years ago they remodeled it into a lovely reception area with fountains and real grass lawns. 

I'm doing a video tour of the facility that I hope to share soon.
Life begins in Death Valley
(2022-01-22, 07:58 PM)DAW89446 Wrote: Never have been inside the Inn either. Knew that I couldn’t afford it, so haven’t opened the door. I’ve always camped in the backcountry in the back of my truck.

I've always thought it'd be nice to look into pool access after a week in the backcountry ... but my only real experience with the Inn was when I broke my leg and we stopped there on the off chance they might have a room for the night since I wasn't going to be able to sleep in the truck. They pretty much laughed at me. Oh well!
(2022-01-22, 08:26 PM)DeathValleyDazed Wrote: I'm doing a video tour of the facility that I hope to share soon.

That will be fun to see. I never have time to stop and do something like that. In the AM, I'm always trying to get to the start of a hike as early as possible. And in the PM, I rarely get out much before dusk!

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