Vintage Glass Plate Photo Scotty's Castle
I found this old print in the Autry Museum collection. It's very colorful. I'm confused about the dates listed as late 1800s to early 1900s because construction began on Scotty's Castle in 1922 and took several years to complete so I'm wondering about the overlap in time? I'm grateful for the pioneers in photography add texture to exploring Death Valley.

I'm not a professional photographer but I thought maybe a few of you might find the vintage processing intriguing?

Here's a link to the image at The Autry Museum.;type=102
Life begins in Death Valley
The time period 1800s to early 1900s must refer to the era when the albumen photographic process was used.
It appears to be hand tinted or sepia toned, which was popular before color film became widely available after WW2. The time frame given for the photo, if that is referring to, is erroneous of course.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.

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