Anyone Going to Panamint (City) soon?
I was wondering if anyone is planning a trip to Panamint (City) in the near future? I'm writing a book "An Historical Account of the Town of Panamint" and could use a few really good photos of a few places in the town. If so, I can give detailed information of what to take and where these places are. Also would be glad to pay some for taking the photos alomg with giving photo credit in the book. Thanks.
Wish you had said it before, I was there during thanksgiving.

I might have some photos of the spots you want? ( Although i was using my husbands camera while mine was at the shop, and I messed up some pretty bad)
I’m a photographer and am actually in Death Valley for the next couple of months. I don’t currently have plans to go to Panamint but I dont usually plan too far ahead either. Lol.

No promises but it’s possible. Feel free to respond here or message me with details of what you need and when you need it before.

Check out my travel blog:
(2022-12-17, 04:39 PM)Daymoth Wrote: Wish you had said it before, I was there during thanksgiving.

I might have some photos of the spots you want? ( Although i was using my husbands camera while mine was at the shop, and I messed up some pretty bad)

Thanks. I was told about this site. I am looking for some really good close-up photos of the rock walls on the trails to some of the mines. Especially of the trail on the north (left going up the valley) leading to the Stewart's Wonder mine--about mid-way in the old town site. Also, there is a place up the canyon, on the left pass the stown warehouse where the quarried the granite stones for the warehouse and mill walls. Any help would be appreciated.
Pitty, didnt go further up canyon passed the town, just to the mine behind the smelter. Cant help
Hi, I am still looking for someone who is planning a trip up to Panamint (City) in the near future who could take some specific photos of places and things at the town for a book that I am writing. It would be a great help to me. I can pay a little towards the picture taking and will give photo credits in the book. Thanks, Mark

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