Marta Beckett 55th & Ryan Camp Tours
FYI, The Amargosa Opera House is honoring Marta Beckett on Saturday February 11th just in case you want to overlap with a visit to DEVA.

Ryan Camp has a new lottery system to score a tour. I'm still trying for three years now.
Life begins in Death Valley
Ive never actually gone to the opera house despite passing by so many times. My husband has gotten intrigued by it so we might check it next time.

And had never heard about Ryan.

Thanks for sharing
Cool, I signed up to get email about the tour notification, but with it looks like 1 or 2 per year of maybe 20 people, I'm about as likely to get one as the Coyote Buttes / Wave lottery I pretty much gave up on.
(2023-01-07, 11:31 AM)MojaveGeek Wrote: Cool, I signed up to get email about the tour notification, but with it looks like 1 or 2 per year of maybe 20 people, I'm about as likely to get one as the Coyote Buttes / Wave lottery I pretty much gave up on.

Keep trying! I enter a lot of raffles/giveaways, and compute the mathematical probability each time of winning *something* given the previous giveaways I've recently entered that I haven't won anything in, and usually the math correctly predicts when I will win *something.* I've gotten a lot of free stickers that way! Still waiting to hit the jackpot.  Big Grin
Link to my DV trip reports, and map of named places in DV (official and unofficial):
Pulling for you, Mojave! I signed up for the DV geological tour and got accepted almost immediately. Hope some of that good DV luck will work for you too.
(2023-01-08, 10:46 AM)TacoLand Wrote: Pulling for you, Mojave! I signed up for the DV geological tour and got accepted almost immediately. Hope some of that good DV luck will work for you too.

Thanks man!
DV geological tour??? Whats that??
(2023-01-08, 04:52 PM)Daymoth Wrote: DV geological tour??? Whats that??

Seconded. Wish I heard about this a week ago.

I hike so slowly in DV as I'm always stopping to look at the rocks. I'm torn whether more knowledge would help or worsen that affliction.
I just learned there are palenteology tours you can book on They look awesome but the dates really dont work for me Sad

Edit: whoops its .gov thanks MojaveGeek
(2023-01-08, 10:02 PM)Daymoth Wrote: I just learned there are palenteology tours you can book on They look awesome but the dates really dont work for me Sad

I think you meant, which is the real site for federal lands

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