Death Valley CLOSED: Fall/Winter 23/24 Trip Planning
I mean, we are kind of stalking a National Park at this point... lol.
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“October 15th is our target date to provide access from the west side of the park through Lone Pine, California. When the park does reopen, visitors will be able to enter on highway CA-136 and continuing through the park on CA-190 with access to Panamint Springs, Stovepipe Wells Village, and the Furnace Creek area.

Keep in mind this reopening date depends on several factors, including future weather events and the availability of materials to fix the road. When this section of CA-190 reopens, drivers should anticipate multiple 24-hour traffic control points where repair work is ongoing.

CA-190 east of Furnace Creek to Death Valley Junction and CA-90 between Olancha and CA-136 received extensive damage and will remain closed beyond October 15th.

On behalf of the staff and partners of Death Valley National Park, we are grateful for your patience and support as we have been working to reopen the park.”

Press release here:

Pic of just how much of 190 is gone heading out of Furnace towards DVJ:


So… sounds like one way in/out and multiple single lane sections? Should be interesting….
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Curious if anyone knows how the potential Gov't Shutdown would effect the work being done in the park.

Obviously CalTrans will continue to work on the state highways, but I'm unsure about the roads under Nat'l Park jurisdiction.

I remember well how much the park was effected in the 2018 shut-down when I was there.
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At this point it's hard to tell. From what I'm reading, a shutdown looks between highly likely to inevitable. I suspect that how much it impacts all that the park offers in services depends on how long it lasts.

I think how it impacts DVNP might depend on what each visitor expects from his/her visit. If their visit revolves around the concession operated facilities and sightseeing confined to a vehicle on CA190, then I assume the impact would be minimal. If the visitor wishes to visit the visitor center, use the bathrooms at various popular spots, etcetera, then it could cause some inconvenience. If controlled backcountry roads to various popular trailheads or features are gated shut, then it could impact those who go to enjoy the wild side of the park.

Given that recent weather has greatly impacted the park's infrastructure it may not really matter that much in the first place. The effects of a shutdown might be likened to painting a house that's already burned down. I guess it really depends on how much time it takes to clean up after both natural and man made problems.

Just my two cents. It basically comes down to "stay tuned."
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
I was more concerned about whether the road repairs would continue or be abandoned during the potential shut-down.

It would be a devastating push-back of opening dates if they had to cease clean-up efforts entirely at this point in the game.
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It probably depends on the details of how the non-state road repairs are being paid for and who is doing the work. For example, if the workers are non-government and money gets allocated before the shutdown, then maybe the work continues because obviously the construction company would get paid once congress gets back to doing their jobs like adults?

But I can think of other ways it could go. I never bet against the government screwing things up.
For anyone thinking of sneaking a little 4WD trip into the edges of the park on the West side of the Panamints from Panamint Valley:

I have reports from recent (attempted) visitors that Goler Wash Rd is gone. Happy Canyon Rd is gone. Pleasant Canyon Rd is gone. Surprise Canyon Rd is gone.

It was stated that it's a playground for a skilled trials bike rider but that's about it. Also stated was that they are "lots of new rocks to look at".
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(2023-09-24, 07:45 AM)Beardilocks Wrote: For anyone thinking of sneaking a little 4WD trip into the edges of the park on the West side of the Panamints from Panamint Valley:

I have reports from recent (attempted) visitors that Goler Wash Rd is gone.  Happy Canyon Rd is gone.  Pleasant Canyon Rd is gone.  Surprise Canyon Rd is gone. 

Where is happy canyon?  Is that one south of Pleasant maybe?

Anyone know if the northern part was hit as bad?  E.g. eureka valley?
(2023-09-24, 05:46 PM)Brice Wrote: Where is happy canyon?  Is that one south of Pleasant maybe?

Next north of Pleasant.
~When You Live in Nevada, "just down the road" is anywhere in the line of sight within the curvature of the earth.
(2023-09-24, 05:46 PM)Brice Wrote: Anyone know if the northern part was hit as bad?  E.g. eureka valley?

I haven't heard of anyone trying to get into Eureka yet.  As far as I can tell 168 is open though.

I know Saline Valley was hit hard (Chicken Strip is gone, spring pools filled with gravel, "what roads" was the response to conditions), so I assume Eureka was too.
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