Updating r/DeathValleyNP
I noticed that our own netllama posted news of the demise of Death-Valley.net over at reddit. Is it ok to publish an update at r/DeathValleyNP including the links to this, our new forum? I wanted to ask permission prior to proceeding in.case there are issues I'm oblivious to. 


Netllama, if you read this maybe you could pop an update/invite there? BTW - you have a link in the title of the thread which does not work but someone else posted a fix for that. 

In general is okay for me to promote our new forum online in my social media? I'd like to garner more subscribers but don't want to attract spammers and detractors for our moderators to deal with. Any advice is welcome.
Thanks for the reminder. I've updated the reddit post with a reference to this site.

But sure, feel free to promote this forum wherever is permissible and appropriate.

Don't worry about spammers. We have measures in place to combat spam, plus moderators who will deal with anything that slips through. I'd rather increase the user base (and contributors) than fear spammers.

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